There's something about a card reading that can't be reproduced by a therapy visit or a talk with a friend or family member. I can appreciate the entertainment aspect of immersing myself in the experience, even while reading for myself. And then there's the guarantee of unique insight. The tarot cards are just images printed on paper, but how one finds relevancy to one's own circumstances within the archetypes artfully represented throughout the cards has no comparison.
I've been on pins and needles regarding a certain situation in my life, which inspired me to pull out one of my decks. I've only recently been building my confidence in reading for myself:
And I considered this occasion to be just as good as any for another exercise to build my confidence muscles. I took my deck in my hands, shuffled until I felt finished, and spread out my cards to pull five for a reading.
What do I need to know now?...
First, I see where the cards acknowledge me applying a steady, balanced amount of effort towards the reaching of my goals in the past. I had been pushing forward and taking inspired action for a long time (which left me good and exhausted).
All of my hard work was not in vain, however, as I see it confirmed in the cards my current season of new financial beginnings with new material gains that currently contribute to a lot more stability and security in my life than what I had been accustomed to settling for before.
I see a potential condition approaching that leaves me on shaky ground IF I somehow don't fully learn my current Spiritual lessons being taught now and leave some important business of mine unfinished. The questions that I should be asking myself right now are:
What are the areas in my life where I am backsliding?
Am I losing my focus towards the end of this race?
Am I proceeding without closure in some area?
I feel that this warning is alluding to my feelings of unforgiveness in relation to my father’s impact on my life. I should attempt to close out this chapter in my life for the best possible outcome.
The warning is confirmed and echoed again by the next card. A major contributing factor to my current reality as it stands today is ultimately a failure on my part to master the thoughts and ideas that are necessary in order for me to progress. I am almost weighed down by too many old beliefs that no longer serve me. I should catch up to the current times and accept these new ideas about my life in order to "level-up" to the best version of this next phase.
I need to forgive my father…
And, one of the most positive potential scenarios of my future could involve a strong commitment to some ideal. It would see me deciding between different choices, or forming new relationships. The concept of duality is suggested here.
I felt a LOT more comfortable conducting this reading for myself than in the past. It seems as if I’m up-leveling in many areas of my life. I can appreciate the possibilities of new beginnings. My work is to remain aligned to my highest good. I like this job. I suppose I’ll begin making room for a new thing!
Any tarot reader care to tell me how I did?
I want to ask you first, are you absolutely comfortable with forgiving your father? I don’t know what happened between you and him but I always say that as a victim (or rather survivor) of any trauma, never feel pressure to forgive an abuser who will never take accountability for their actions. What I find is the best approach for me, is developing an attitude of indifference. It’s also hard work. However those who are cognitively sound have no excuse to abuse anyone regardless of whatever trauma they may have experienced. Forgiveness includes compassion and that’s for a friend who accidentally made a mistake because of being human. However this is just how I feel about it. If it intuitively feels right for you to forgive him without feeling any pressure to do so, then you have to go with that.