I'd love to share with you a gem that has brought more tranquility to my journey as an autism parent—Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping. I first learned about it years ago and would perform it regularly at one time.
Parenting, especially when your littles are on the autism spectrum, comes with a rollercoaster of emotions. If you've ever felt the weight of stress, anxiety, or overwhelm, please know that you're not alone. That's where the wonderous tool of applying EFT has become a game-changer in my own life (once again), and I'm excited to tell you more about it.
What is EFT? EFT is a holistic wellness practice that combines principles of Chinese medicine and psychology. It involves using your pointer and middle fingers while tapping on very specific points on the body, focusing on the emotional challenges you're dealing with. Corrective affirmations are then spoken aloud or internally. And that's all there is to learning what it is. This simple, yet very powerful, technique is designed to release energy blockages to promote emotional healing and a sense of well-being.
How Does It Work? The concept of EFT originates from the idea that unresolved emotional issues lead to emotional and then physical issues. But by applying the EFT technique and tapping on specific points, you stimulate the body's energy points which work to correct the flow of your energy. This helps to directly address emotional distress, which allows you to experience more mental and then physical balance.
Why Tapping? Life, especially for us autism parents, comes with more than its fair share of stress and challenges. EFT offers an effective way to address those challenges by acknowledging them and then releasing their emotional weight.
Benefits of EFT:
1. Stress Relief: EFT includes gentle tapping on specific body meridian points while focusing on the emotional challenges at hand. It's like giving your stress an outlet and letting it flow out of your system. As autism parents, we juggle a lot, and the stress can be overwhelming. EFT provides a simple yet effective way to release that tension.
2. Emotional Balance: Autism parenting brings a mix of emotions — joy, frustration, love, and sometimes a feeling of being emotionally stretched. Tapping helps to bring about emotional balance within us, helping us to tolerate the highs and lows of life with more stability. It's like finding your emotional center amid life's beautiful chaos.
3. Coping with Overwhelm: The feeling of overwhelm can be all too familiar, whether it's managing therapies, advocating for your child during consultations, or just dealing with the difficulty of each day. EFT gives you with a tool to act against the overwhelm to produce a sense of calm and clarity whenever you need it most.
4. Building Resilience: Parenting a child with autism requires colossal resilience, and EFT is an empowering way to build just that. By tapping into your emotions and addressing your challenges head-on, you develop a resilience that influences how well you handle the hurdles in your parenting journey.
5. Enhancing Self-Care: EFT is a form of self-care that you can carry with you wherever you go. Taking a few moments to tap into your emotions is like giving yourself a mini-reset. It's an act of self-love and a reminder that your wellness is a priority.
I've found EFT to be an amazing asset to my self-care, and I encourage you to explore how it might effectively address your rollercoaster of emotions. Whether you're new to tapping or making a return to its application like myself, you only stand to gain.
In upcoming articles, we may explore practical tips and techniques for incorporating EFT into your daily life. It's a journey of growth and empowerment, and I'm excited to share it with you.
Remember, you're doing an incredible job. So, embrace the journey, celebrate the wins, and tap into tranquility literally whenever you need it.